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Historical Auto Society of Spokane & Inland Empire

Mission & Vision


Strive to; expand the appreciation and knowledge of Historic and Classic cars for our members and future automobile enthusiasts. To keep alive the memories and enjoyment of our car hobby. 


Visions of Classic automobiles steeped in tradition, precision and a passion to maintain them. Teach our younger automobile enthusiasts how to drive, repair and maintain them. 

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Car Show


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Historical Auto Society of Spokane & Inland Empire

Club History

On July 14, 1957, a group of eight men, drawn together by a common interest which qualified them for the undignified but accepted title of Old Car Nuts, held a meeting and family picnic at Sullivan Bridge Park, in the Spokane Valley. They were Ervin Sly, Lynn Yates, Sam Morgan, James Morgan, Elmer Roberts, Harry Beck, Gerald Jackman, and Roy Hotchkiss.


There are no further notes on this historic beginning but it is reasonable to believe that the two main instigators, Ervin Sly and Lynn Yates, put a lot of thought, talk, and planning into this first meeting and their dream of a club that came true.


It is said that on that day the John Prindle family in their 1919 Ford T touring drove over the bridge to see who showed up in what old cars. But they were too early, no one was there, so they went to Newman Lake for a swim instead!


The second meeting of this group was at the home of Ervin Sly, 7921 East Augusta, on August 8th. Seven men attended, Ervin Sly, Duane Ferry, Lynn Yates, Roy Hotchkiss, Elmer Roberts, Henry Pierce, and John Pohlman. Ervin was elected president and Roy, secretary-treasurer. The second Thursday of each month was designated as meeting day and dues of $5. 00 per year was agreed upon, this to include husband and wife. The name, Historical Auto Society of Spokane and the Inland Empire was chosen for the new club. Since that time it has been familiarly known by its initials, HASSIE, or Hassie Club. The purpose of the club was established by these pioneers as being the preservation and restoration of old and historical automobiles and their assorted parts and accessories.


On September 5, seven of these members met again at the home of Ervin Sly and discussed a constitution and by-laws for the club. They decided to postpone the matter until the club had more members to help formulate such laws.


The October 10th meeting at President Sly's home drew ten people. It was then that the Hassie Club, like the barbershop and the smoking car, lost its all-male distinction to the invasion of women. Mrs. E. E. McElvain, owner of a 1926 Velie sedan appeared. Your author felt very much out of place and conspicuous at this men's meeting, while several wives stayed in the kitchen and prepared refreshments. At this meeting, also for the first time, were the present members Ray Lillengreen and Dan Eagle. Also attending were Ervin, Roy, Gary Green, and his father, Herb Lindstrom, and Francis Edmunds.


Mr. Mel Jackson, president of the Yakima Club, and Mr. Shepherd, also of Yakima, talked to the group about their activities and expressed a desire to have a joint club tour. Two Ford Foundation films were shown, "Dearborn Holiday" and "The American Road".

At the November meeting at Sly's, Ray Lillengreen showed slides of their Australian trip and an old car tour there. Attending the meeting were Ervin, Ray, Charles Lightle, Herb Lindstrom, Bill Honeycutt, and Ned Kelly. They discussed the possibility of a dinner meeting but decided to wait until after Christmas.


The December 12th meeting was held at Gafner's Cafe on East Third Avenue. President Sly put on a quiz contest won by Elmer Roberts. Dale Lareva won the door prize of a Ford T Manual. Ford films of the Reno Tour of 1957 and the "Techniques of Tomorrow" were shown. Dan Eagle delivered membership cards at this meeting attended by Dan, Ervin, Elmer Roberts, Herb Lindstrom, Duane Ferry, Dale Lareva, Raymond Main, and Bud Ratcliffe.


The Hassie Club's first year, 1957, was a short one, only six months in length, but it established enough interest in the old car hobby to attract more members who, to justify another night out, began to bring their wives to the meetings! Wives do come in handy for making cookies and serving coffee, and each also becomes more tolerant of her own old car nut when she finds out he is not the only one afflicted with the disease!


The fledgling Hassie Club wound up its first year with only about sixteen members but with a great deal of hope and enthusiasm. 


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PO Box 18814

Spokane, WA 99228

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